About us

At Margarito Estudio we have been animating for brands since 2016, when Mr. Margarito and Daniela Setién decided to found it, after almost two decades of experience in Madrid and Barcelona. From our base in the warm Malaga, we develop animation and motion graphics projects, we work mainly for advertising agencies, producers and studios.
In our pursuit towards a more animated world, we have worked for clients such as Garage of Ideas, Innocels, McCann, J. Walter Thompson, Havas, Lola-Mullenlowe, The Barracks, Biographical, Zumo TV, Creative Territory, Circus, and those that we have left…
And we have made projects for brands such as Movistar, American Express, Indra, Asisa, El Tenedor, Aena, Enaire, Ikea, Acuarius, Cepsa, Orange, Asisa, Mahou- San Miguel, Unicaja, Larios, Banco Santander, etc.
If you want to be part of this select list, we will be happy to collaborate with you.
We want to be your Motion Graphics department; we want to be part of your project 🙂

Andrea Sánchez
Quantum Supervisor
Daniela Setién
CEO & Co-founder
Sr. Margarito
Co-founder & Creative Director

And after work …
We love to shake the creative landscape and give it to the language and the coconut, organizing, participating and collaborating in events, courses, lectures, workshops and other meetings in the sector. Here, some examples:
- Advanced Motion Graphics Course in Animum (2018 – 2019) – Málaga
- Character Design Workshop at the School of San Telmo (Telmö Dice 2019) – Málaga
- Participation in a Roundtable on DMD Digital Marketing Day (2018) – Málaga
- Behance Workshop at the School of San Telmo (Telmö Dice 2018) – Málaga
- Animation Workshop at the School of San Telmo (Telmö Dice 2017) – Málaga
- Conference presentation Design At Work, “The design factor in professional activity” in Faculty of BBAA and Architecture UMA (2017) – Málaga
- MALAGAMOTION, event organized in its beginnings by Sr. Margarito and Victor Andrey, with talks and workshops on personal motivation, entrepreneurship, design and animation (2016-2018) – Málaga
- Talk in Pecha Kucha Vol.16 (2016) – Málaga
- Character Design Workshop at School of San Telmo (Telmö Dice 2016) – Málaga
- Talk in Pecha Kucha Vol. 13 (2015) – Málaga
- Animation Workshop organized by EIMA in Matadero (2014) – Madrid
- Toon Boom Animation course in La Casa Encendida (2013) – Madrid